06 October 2013

How To Positon Elements/Widgets On Blogger Blog

Most newbie blogger wonder that, is there no way to position element in blogger, but am sharing with you now, how your can position your element to your desired location on your blog. some authors may specify where you are to position your elements/gadgets/widgets, whereby you would prefer it in another location.
You can also easily change the location of your element in page elements, and remember that, there are some situation whereby you can only add elements/gadget/widget through your template, by inserting some code into your html box, and this article will help you on that.

Positioning Elements In Template

Login to your blogger Dashboard 
Click "Design" > "Edit HTML" > Remember to always back up your template
Now placing your code snippet to any location will be determine by the list of options below.

Placing Element Below Post Body

Find and add your code after it, if you wish to place your element/widget below your post.

Placing Element Below Post Title

 and paste your code after it,if you wish to place your element/widget below post title.

Placing Element Above Comment Form

If you which to add your widget immediately above your blogger comment form, find the code below and paste your widget code above/before it, but if you can't find exactly this, you will find something very similar to it.


Placing Element Above Footer
Find   and paste your widget code above it, if you wish to add your widget above footer.

Placing Element Inside Footer
Find    and paste your widget code below it, if you wish to add your widget inside footer.

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